Horus Energy Company offers the services of introducing automatic control systems at hydroelectric power stations.
Management system - a systematic set of tools for collecting information about the controlled object and means of influencing its behavior, designed to achieve certain goals. The object of the control system can be both technical objects and people. The object of the control system may consist of other objects, which may have a constant relationship structure.
The trouble-free operation of control systems for hydropower equipment is ensured by the high quality of development and manufacturing, as well as the use of control algorithms worked out over the years, embedded in the application software of software and hardware systems (PTC), which is confirmed by operating experience. The equipment allows for the safe operation of hydraulic units, since even when the components of the control system fail, the hydraulic unit is accidentally stopped by the emergency shutdown system.
Hydroturbine speed and active power governors.
Ensure the execution of hydroturbine start-up and shutdown algorithms; maintain the specified active power and speed of the hydroturbine; ensure safe hydroturbine operation and hydromechanical protection.
Automated hydroelectric unit control systems
Ensure the execution of hydroelectric unit start-up, synchronization, grid connection, grid operation and shutdown algorithms; process parameter monitoring; local hydroelectric unit control; hydroelectric unit protection against abnormal conditions during unit operation. The automated control system of the hydroelectric unit ensures the integration of local control, monitoring, protection and signaling subsystems and data communication to the higher level of process control systems.
Standard subsystems of the automated hydroelectric unit control system:
- Equipment and software for hydroelectric unit process automation (automated control of the hydroelectric unit);
- Equipment and software for the automated control of turbine speed and active power;
- Equipment and software for oil pressure unit control;
- Equipment and software for the control of auxiliary hydroelectric unit equipment;
- Equipment and software for measurements and signaling;
- Equipment and software for monitoring and signaling the thermal parameters of equipment operation.
Integrated automated process control systems (APCS).
APCS are used for process equipment control automation at the hydroelectric power plant. The APCS ensures deep process integration; provides more information to personnel and enhances staff operating conditions thanks to the establishment of a single man-machine interface and statistical data maintenance automation, the centralized processing of process information, the calculation of technical and economic parameters during equipment operation, the integration of the automated hydroelectric unit control system into a common data network and supervisory control of power plant equipment.
Equipment monitoring and diagnostics systems.
Equipment monitoring and diagnostics systems implement vibration monitoring of the hydroelectric unit, including the acquisition of current vibration, air flow, magnetic flow, etc. parameters at the specified hydroelectric unit locations; ensure the generation and communication of summary and detailed warning signals and alarms to the automated hydroelectric unit control system (or the automated process control system), which are used for the generation and communication of control commands for changes in the unit’s operating conditions or for emergency unit shutdown.