Automatic burner control system

Status: Completed

Object: CPP, Source 1

Location: Chișinău, Moldova

Publication date: 15.12.2023

Horus Energy has implemented an automatic burner control system for the TGM-96B steam boiler.

The scope of work and services for the design and implementation of automatic burner control system:

  • Development of working documentation;
  • Development of operational documentation;
  • Development of application software for controllers and panels of control system;
  • Development of application software for the workstation of the operator of the control system and control units of automated burners;
  • Installation supervision / architectural supervision;
  • Commissioning of the middle and upper levels of control system at the facility;
  • Information and consulting services to the personnel of the final Customer on working with the control system during the period of the commissioning.

The main goals of creating of automatic burner control system:

  • Ensuring reliable and efficient control of turning on and off burners;
  • Improving the safety of automated equipment;
  • Improving the reliability of equipment protection;
  • Effective management of parameters of automated equipment;
  • Improving the reliability of automated equipment;
  • Improving the comfort of operation and maintenance personnel;
  • Providing operational personnel with sufficient and reliable information about the flow of technological processes in real time;
  • Diagnostics (self-diagnosis);
  • Transfer to the upper level of the boiler room of the necessary data for their recording and archiving;
  • Data exchange with the existing power unit equipment monitoring system and the existing protection system;
  • An objective assessment of the effectiveness of the use of equipment and staff actions;
  • Extending the life of the equipment and reducing unscheduled repairs.

The main functions of automatic burner control system:

  • Collection and processing of information from sensors and actuators;
  • Formation of control signals for actuators;
  • Automatic control of the serviceability and condition of sensors, actuators and communication lines with them, by direct measurements or by indirect indications;
  • Automatic blocking of the corresponding control commands when identifying diagnosed malfunctions of the corresponding actuators, mutual locks, as well as in case of erroneous operator actions;
  • Generation of warning and alarm signals;
  • Real-time visualization of the status of equipment, auxiliary mechanisms and devices on the screen of the operator panel and operator workstation;
  • Displaying the values ​​of technological parameters on the screen of the operator panel and operator's workstation (in the form of alphanumeric information, graphs, tables, etc.).

Levels of automatic burner control system:

  • The upper level - the automated workstation of the operator of control system of the boiler;
  • Intermediate level - eight control units for automated burner units, consisting of:
    • Programmable logic controllers;
    • Signal input-output modules and local operator panel;
    • Local combustion control system containing an Ethernet network switch, programmable logic controller, signal input-output modules;
  • The lower level - sensors, actuators, specialized control units for various devices, etc.